I’ve heard from my copy editor, and will receive her edits at the end of next week, which I’m really excited about – I’ve said all along (but not sure whether I’ve said it here, so please forgive me if I’m repeating myself) that although the Bah! book is the best I can make it, I’m sure it’s not yet the best it can be. So the copy-editing is, for me, a really important stage and I can’t wait to see what Barbara does, and get stuck in to what she sends back to me. (Which may not be what I’m saying three days in to going through the manuscript….)
But the copy editing stage means another step closer to the book Actually Being Printed. Which I find quite scary. I’m especially scared of forgetting to mention someone who’s helped with the book. I’m especially especially scared of not thanking someone who read early draft(s), as that feedback was so important in getting the book written at all.
So, below is a list of everyone who’s currently credited as being an early reader. If you read chapters and you’re not here, please email me and let me know and I’ll rectify.
Early and enthusiastic readers of this book included Alan Butland, Libby Turner, Gilly Meek, Denyse Kirkby, Rachel Pearce, Scarlet Long, Emily Medland, Diane Mulholland, Nathalie Giauque, Jen Walshaw, Cynthia Barlow-Marrs, Debby Hornburg, Nicola Kim, Susan Young and Maggie Dana. I’m grateful to them all for their time, comments, and re-readings, and in some cases for revisiting painful times for the sake of this book.
(If I haven’t mentioned you, it’s not because your contributions weren’t helpful, it’s because my email folders are catastrophically badly organised, as is my brain.)